OpenDOAR is a project to list and categorise academic open access research repositories from around the world. It contains a wide variety of materials such as books, articles, dissertations, conferences and multimedia. As a world wide directory of repositories, its contents cuts across all disciplines.
This is a resource containing professional Accounting Lecture notes such as ACCA, AAT, Accounting for Non- Accountants. Please note you need to register in order to download full text.
ORIC Publications, a broad-based open access e-publisher, publishes in all fields of Science in both book and journal format. It was founded on two key tenets: In addition to publishing the qualified researches, provide a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing. It is the vision of ORIC Publications to publish without financial restriction to readers using the open access model of publication. We strongly believe that the open access model will spur research across the world especially as researchers gain unrestricted access to high quality research articles.
Our goal ...
Peace and Conflict Studies(PCS--ISSN1082-7307) is committed to interdisciplinary explorations on conflict resolution, peace building, humanitarian assistance, and other alternative mechanisms that seek to prevent and control violence. PCS is also interested in articles focusing on social change and nonviolence: sustainable development, ecological balance, community revitalization, reflective practice, action research, social justice, human rights, gender equality, intercultural relations, grassroots movements and organizational transformations.
Please feel free to contact us about your publishing need at:
Perspectives in Medicine is Elsevier's new peer-reviewed open access journal for publishing unique collections of research papers and can cover:
Reports of research projects
Conference proceedings
Trend and niche topics